Thursday, February 26, 2009


thank You for freedom
thank You for grace
thank You for glimpses
of Your glorious face
You made a way
when there was none
Your fullness came down
we beheld Your Son
He followed You true
up to the hill
and His former tomb
is empty still
all my bondage
every regret
the stain of all sin
known and secret
it's all washed away
by the blood that He poured
no spilling took place
intentionality restored
thank You for life
for beauty yet unseen
thank You for snow
though not as white as i am clean
thank You for sky
unparalleled majesty
thank You for hearing
You cannot forget me
thank You for giggles
and for laughing aloud
for strength in weakness
and humbling the proud
Your mercies astound
Your grace is infinite
Your life is my robe
You wrap me up in it
know me, my Lord
and be known by me
nothing more thrilling
You are intimacy
thank You for power
all Your sovereignty
thank You for wanting
but never needing me
thank You for words
though infinitely too few
thank You that eternity
is forever, always, only about You

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