Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day for Love

The writing itch is here today. Some days not, but today here.

A day for Love.

But are not they all?

Atlanta weather is dreary today. Spring and winter tug-of-warring for control of our skies and air and hearts. Hearts that are invited into a sea of red and pink around every corner and down every aisle. Roses everywhere. Chocolate galore. Stuffed animals and hearts and over-the-top everything. All at once intoxicating to those partaking in pairs, but revolting to many who find themselves alone.

And somewhere in the middle I am sitting during nap time, chatting online with the one I love, gazing out at the saddened trees and gloomy sky. Remembering another gloomy, darkened day of Love many, many years ago.

Quite contrary to today's celebration of perfect partners everywhere, that Friday marked simultaneously the climax of cosmic adultery and the excruciating depth of the Groom's love for His whoring bride. Love, red, inviting hearts, yes. Blood red, covering hearts. Celebrating not the beloved, but the Lover. Red love cascading over the chasm, filling it up, quenching the wrath, saturating my thirst. Overwhelming and powerful and free. 

This love finds me today. Calms me. Settles me. Cements me in greater reality. Brings life. Offers joy. 


My night has been spent with two of the women I love most in the world, neither of which would be as easy to reach if Stephen were here. And so tonight, all three of us crawling into beds we wish were not empty (ok, mine is not if Pink Puppy and clean laundry count), have at least shared a meal, and some laughs, and some chocolate. 

And I pray the Holy Spirit filled our asparagus and our affection, and will, in all things, draw our hearts to Jesus. 

Jesus, sweet Jesus. My Groom. My King. 

1 comment:

Joy said...

Wow, Katie, this is powerful. I don't always comment on your posts, but I read them and am consistently blown away by your ability to articulate your relationship with Christ. Thank you for sharing your heart. I think of you daily. Love and Light, Joy