Living in what is real is a challenge, one I find myself faced with almost constantly these days.
But it seems that what I am finding is that what is real is simply what really matters.
Certainly many things clamor for my attention, trivialities, the minutiae of modern life. Or bigger things, like loneliness, frustration, fear.
These things have ruled my heart and mind for the last few weeks. So many hormones and too much idle time. These real-like things spiral me down so quickly, seeming so legitimate.
I want to feel things that are hard and be vulnerable with the people around me. I want to let the difficulty of single-wifing these 365 days grind against my rough edges and soften my heart toward Stephen and Jesus.
But I also want to keep my eyes on what is real, really of consequence: that suffering was Jesus' ministry and will be mine as well. That the cross was so much worse than I can imagine for the purpose of restoring me to the Creator's image. Suffering not so I can merely relate to Jesus, but so that I may become like Him in His death and share His victory.
So while part of me feels like I'm merely pulling on my big girl panties to get over my raging femininity, I know that never works. What does, what is real, is the hope of Jesus coming to make all these wrong things right, all these dead things new, all the frenzy peace.
Jesus, give me what is real, all that really matters. You.

Oh yes. Jesus is real.
(Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I also work with the org. Wives of Faith (www.wivesoffaith.org) which is an online support ministry for military wives. So nice to "meet" you!
I love how you contrast what IS real with all those things that masquerade as real:
"These real-like things spiral me down so quickly, seeming so legitimate."
I have been there!
love this. we really can't do much if we try do it all ourselves huh....single wifing!? is your husband in the service? work? camping? lol I hope you find your strength in Jesus this weekend and are filled with JOY!
Love the wedding pictures. Is that your yours? great story.
You write this so beautifully. Glad to have found you!
Leah, yes that is my wedding.
Thank you everyone for taking the time to read and leave encouragement--I am incredibly grateful.
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