Friday, July 20, 2012


Well, dear friends and family, the time has come to announce a very fun and exciting new development! My blog is moving! And I would love for you to join me at:

Today's Five Minute Friday post is up over there, as well as all my other posts, ever. So if you've been following via RSS or email, please do click through today and rejoin me momentarily.

A huge thank you to the lovely and brilliant K.C. Young for all of her work and time and patience in helping me with this project. I am so grateful. Please send money and flowers and gifts her way as a token of appreciation!

There will surely be more construction going on, but I'm excited for the move and hope you'll join the fun!

Love you all,

Thursday, July 19, 2012


For those of you on Twitter, or even just Facebook probably, it's likely you've seen people tag their posts #firstworldproblems.

And let's be honest, we have a lot of them:

"Too many concerts, not enough money. #firstworldproblems"

"My medicine doesn't taste good. #firstworldproblems"

"When your phone charger isn't long enough to reach your bed. #firstworldproblems"

"My 52 oz drink won't fit in my car's cup holder. #firstworldproblems"

The Twit-lists go on and on and on.

But I'm not about to bash those people who use the phrase. I'm not about to guilt you about things you've said or complained about.

Rather, I'm turning all the criticism on myself as I have noticed in our current and impending circumstances how prone I am to worry and complain and horde angst about matters that don't.

My recent qualms regard the weeks following Stephen's homecoming and a little bit of uncertainty there. It sounds something like this:

"Ugh, we just really need to figure out when we're going to move and where to so we can be closer to our friends! And we need to figure out how to go on vacation in the middle of all of that too! And where should we go? And what should we do when we get there??"

I've even jokingly added on, "I know, I know, #firstworldproblems"

Until one day I stopped myself.

Because really. 


That's what they are. 

And while my Father in heaven has His eye on all these details and does care about them, His ultimate goal in it all is for whatever comes to conform me to the image of His Son. And that should be my primary concern as well. 

Not to mention the fact that between seeking Jesus and planning vacation there are a lot of other priorities that require the majority of my time, prayers, thoughts, and strength.

So if you hear me griping about any of these things, or any others, that just don't matter, please do alert me. I want a heart of gratitude more than almost anything else in the world. 

That is all.