Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Celebrating the Martins

Megan and Wyatt, where to begin?
Blessed beyond words to call each of you "friend"
Megan I met when she borrowed a dress
But she never repeated that kind of request ;)
It wasn't until CO took us to ski
That friendship was formed between Megan and me
Several hours spent bonding over laughter so rife
Sparked a chain of events that would change my whole life
To my great delight in the next week or two
Meg asked me to spring break somewhat out of the blue
Several months later she voted me in
To the sweetest of D-groups with the dearest of friends
In life before knowing the bride in our midst
I doubted such friendship could even exist
Though in living together she saw my sin completely
She has loved me and grown me ever so sweetly
And now she moves on into life with this man
I'll try to do justice, but no metered rhyme can
Wyatt I met in a game of Mad Gab
And knew from then he was anything but drab
Our house always brightened when Wyatt came down
His joy in the Lord drenches all those around
He's thoughtful and humble, an uplifting delight
Though he's known to coat kitchens in cocoa at night
There is much to be said of these two on their own
But their marriage will trump all they've already known
From now on when we look it's not these that we see
But Christ and His Church, the Bride He set free
See the loving pursuit of our God for His own
The price that He paid to bring us to His throne
Though tomorrow we join in with great celebration
Yours is but a glimpse to fuel anticipation
So I'll say it once more 'cause I can't keep it quiet
I love you both dearly. Yay Megan and Wyatt!

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