Friday, September 23, 2011

just the cover page

It started with a tree in a Garden
And the man you first made there to toil
Adam was his name
Procreation was his aim
As he broke and conquered all Your handmade soil

But Adam failed and ate the tree You said to not
He ate the lie and turned his back on Love
Sin broke the life and joy
Death's sneaky, wicked ploy
And Tree of Life no more could he lay hold of

So Your first plan was postponed indefinitely
As restitution was required to move forward
Necessary better Adam
Your Son would humbly come
The One all Heaven worshiped and adored

And where first Adam should have died on evil tree
For his choice to be the ruler of his life
Perfect Jesus now would die
Both in Adam's place and mine
As the cross became His tree of death and strife

Now because He rose again and rose to You
He will come one day to fulfill Your greater plan
Because a Garden was not all
You have a city strong and tall
Built 'round the Tree of Life where life began

Where first Adam chose death but did not die
Second Adam obeyed even to the cross
Though Adam's task met with defeat
Jesus' victory will complete
His blood the fire that purges all sin's dross

And it's not until we reach that final city
That all You have in store will be unveiled
This life is just the cover page
For greater glories come each new age
Sun not needed as Your beauty is detailed

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