Wednesday, March 31, 2010

in jack bauer i trust

Last night I caught up on 24 for the week, and I always reflect on it the morning after. Not sure why. It just happens.

Today I realized how often I have the thought, "But it's Jack Bauer."

You know, like when you see that he's suspended from his wrists being electrocuted by the Russians. Humanly impossible situation.

"But it's Jack Bauer."

Or when he's up against 15 snipers in a narrow hallway. Humanly impossible situation.

"But it's Jack Bauer."

Or when he's knocking on death's door after becoming infected with a biological weapon. Humanly impossible situation.

"But it's Jack Bauer."

And then I realized what ridiculous faith I have in Jack Bauer. Granted, he's a character in a prime time television show whose fate is scripted by writers whose livelihoods depend on his harrowing escapes from humanly impossible situations. But anytime he gets in a bind or someone underestimates him, "But it's Jack Bauer" follows like second nature.

I pray I trust the Lord so confidently.

"But it's God Almighty."

He loved. He created. He loved. He revealed. He loved. He commanded. He loved. He delivered. He loved. He tabernacled. He loved. He incarnated. He loved. He died. He loved. He rose. He loved. He reigns. He loves. He will. He was. He is. He is to come. He glories.

More than Jack.

More dependable, trustworthy, true and faithful.
More constant, strong, powerful and just.
More loyal, passionate, determined and wild.
More intentional, gentle, sovereign and precious.

He is the Great I AM.

Oh to trust!

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